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Masterclass SEO 💎

Ottobix's SEO Private Masterclass is a private SEO course for large companies, SMEs and entrepreneurs, hyper-focused on reaching the top positions on search engines 🔎

Masterclass SEO 💎

Ottobix's SEO Private Masterclass is a private SEO course for large companies, SMEs and entrepreneurs, hyper-focused on reaching the top positions on search engines 🔎


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SEO Course

The SEO Private Masterclass includes:

Hours of Live in-person Superconsulting
Tailor-made SEO Strategy
On page SEO Best Practices
Downloadable SEO resources
Unlimited access to the complete online course
Certificate of completion
An intense journey to the top of the SERP

Discover the SEO Private Masterclass in detail

hours of

Seo Super Consulting Live in-person

These hours represent the core of the Masterclass. The goal is to transfer our entire SEO knowledge to your company, so that it positions itself for key keywords in terms of company turnover.


SEO Strategy

Once the knowledge to excel in search engines has been transferred, we will deliver you a tailor-made SEO strategy, developed ad hoc for your market sector and the financial needs of your company .


Pages of

SEO Best Practices

Included in the Masterclass, your company will be given a valuable 180-page book containing the best SEO Best Practices that we have had the opportunity to experience in the field over the years.</p >



SEO Resources 

As a complement to the multimedia elements of the Masterclass, your company will also have 12 valuable SEO assets specially designed for your team.



Unlimited access to the complete online course

Your company will have unlimited access to the complete online course which will go over the key points of the Ottobix SEO method, so that every member of your team can go from beginner to expert.< /p>


Certificate of improvement

Once you finish Ottobix’s SEO Private Masterclass, your company will be awarded a prestigious certificate of SEO improvement.

Direct and straight to the point approach.

Learn from the best to position your company.

Does your company have insufficient organic positioning and do you want to increase the quality of your incoming traffic? Ottobix's SEO Private Masterclass is a unique opportunity to transfer a valuable skillset of SEO skills to your team: strategy, practicality and optimization are the keywords of our program, a true transformation process more than a training course, a path in which the company acquires tools and logics to dominate the search network with key keywords in terms of corporate turnover.

The Masterclass consists of 15 hours of SEO super consultancy carried out in person, in which we will transfer to your team the most effective and best SEO strategies, as well as the practical skills necessary to implement them. Your team will also have unlimited access to the complete online course, 1 Tailor-made SEO strategy, 180 pages of SEO best practices, 12 downloadable SEO resources. The SEO Private Masterclass is a high-yield investment for companies because it boosts the consolidation of a lasting competitive advantage online, as well as generating a potentially infinite organic ROI.

Customer Obsessed

Our SEO managers are always ready whether in chat, email or videoconference to listen to your growth goals.

White Hat SEO

Our SEO techniques are transparent and absolutely in line with the White Hat SEO doctrine.


The SEO strategies devised by Ottobix are based exclusively on the observation of scientific and incontrovertible data.

SEO Masterclass

Why Choose SEO Private Masterclass?

Straight to the Point

No fluff: the Ottobix Masterclass aims to transfer you all our SEO skills to dominate the search network.

Competitive Advantage

Ensure your company a lasting competitive advantage deriving from first page positioning for decisive keywords.

Private SEO Superconsolation

The Ottobix SEO Private Masterclass is not a public event, but a private, in-person knowledge transfer.

Exclusive Mentorship

Learn directly from the best to position your company at the top of search results through this exclusive Mentorship.

Lifetime Access

Enjoy unlimited online access to Ottobix's SEO Private Masterclass multimedia content, forever.

The Ouroboros Method

Acquire our Ouroboros Method: a wired strategy formulated to excel in the Google SERP.

We are ranking on the First Page and First Position on Google<br />for decisive Keywords after just few months.

Manuel MessnerCEO Mazing

Online SEO course

Who is the SEO Private Masterclass for:

Ottobix's SEO Private Masterclass is aimed exclusively at large companies and entrepreneurs who want to excel in the search network for key keywords with a view to a genuinely organic Return on Investment (ROI). This exclusive mentorship aims to fill a gap in the needs of those large companies that spend large budgets to convey paid traffic to their website, very often of poor quality: in fact, it is well known that this type of traffic produces low conversion rates.

Ottobix's SEO Private Masterclass is a unique training in the Italian panorama, in terms of strategy and preciousness of the skills transmitted. It goes without saying that the Masterclass has a clearly professionalizing purpose: we will transfer to your corporate team the strategy and skills to have, in the present and in the future, a <b>Flagship Presence</b> in search engines.

Does your SEO give you these results?

Here are the SEO results you want to achieve.

SEO Flagship Presence

Get an SEO Flagship Presence on search engines by consolidating these 4 key KPIs for your SEO.

Organic Search Supremacy

The goal of Ottobix's SEO Private Masterclass is to make organic traffic your main source of acquisition.

SEO Attribution Model

With state-of-the-art SEO, it will take your visitors shorter customer journeys to convert onsite.

Advanced SEO course

With the Ottobix SEO Private Masterclass:

  • You will dominate the SERPs of the major search engines
  • You will be able to place every page of your site on the first page of search engines
  • You will make your SEO fully compliant with the Google Quality Guidelines with White Hat SEO strategies
  • You will master setting up Google Search Console so you can benefit from its full potential
  • You will learn how to best master Google My Business SEO to obtain fundamental results in terms of company turnover
  • You will harness the power of Rich Snippets and Featured Snippets by gaining exponential visibility for your business
  • You will learn the latest and most modern SEO techniques and get higher rankings and more traffic as well as our “Ouroburos Method”
  • You will take the User eXperience of your website to the next level, obtaining drastic improvements on the bounce rate
  • You will master the best SEO tools out there to identify your competitors’ SEO strategies
  • You will acquire targeted traffic to your company website, leveraging longtail, transactional and informative keywords
  • You will learn how to create a spider web of semantically effective backlinks to build a solid Domain Authority
  • You will learn how to perform a fundamental SEO practice called Backlink Disavow to eliminate Negative SEO and start off on the right foot
  • You will get a usable list of White Hat SEO backlinks generation perfectly compliant with Google Policies
  • You will learn the difference between obsolete SEO techniques/myths that can undermine your SEO
  • You will learn to combine theory, practice, and tools so that your company becomes completely independent in SEO
SEO Private Masterclass

Cement your competitive advantage

La SEO Private Masterclass di Ottobix è stata ideata tenendo a mente un'applicazione pratica e sartoriale per grandi aziende e imprenditori che vogliono cementificare un solido e duraturo vantaggio competitivo derivante dall'ottenimento delle prime posizioni sui motori di ricerca per keywords rilevanti, pertinenti, e determinanti.

    Google SEO course

    Why the Masterclass with Ottobix?

    Ottobix differentiates itself from its competitors because it views search engine optimization (SEO) as a powerful marketing channel in its own right. Our rigorously data-driven approach to SEO gives our clients an unprecedented competitive advantage. Our SEO strategies are the result of a ten-year learning by doing: we know, thanks to experience gained directly in the field, which are the best techniques and strategies to have concrete results from an SEO perspective. Not surprisingly, our only acquisition channel is organic traffic from search engines.

    As has already emerged in other paragraphs, Ottobix's SEO strategies exclude the use of SEO expedients that openly go against Google's policies. These techniques are called "Black Hat SEO" and can seriously damage the ranking of your website. Instead, with Ottobix you have the advantage of being able to rely on a partner who has already achieved particularly ambitious SEO goals and who can afford to deliver a Masterclass by virtue of a legitimate <i>cognitio causae</i>.

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